Friday, November 19, 2010

Ron Paul in Kinetic Typography

Many Libertarians, including myself, have issues with compromising their ideals in the real world and / or dealing with the simple fact that most people either do not know or understand what libertarianism is and are scared by it. Ron Paul is an example of making it work and explaining it well.

I couldn't resist the urge to add, along with Ron Paul's speech, a bunch of other Kinetic Typography videos..

ronpaul[Ron Paul What If] [V for Vendetta] [Family Guy] [Fight Club - Chemical Burn] [Stephen Fry - Language] [Kill Bill] [Dark Knight] [Mad as Hell] [Pulp Fiction] [FireFly] [Matrix] [The 8 rules of Fight Club] [Who's on First?] [Help! Beatles] [300] [The Hangover] [Mad World - Gary Jules] [Social Life, With Friends] [Rocky Balboa] [Bioshock] [Minimalism] [Halo Reach] [Scarface I] [Scarface II] [Scarface III] [Scarface IV] [Scarface V] [Scarface VI] [Scarface VII] [Scarface VIII] [Big Lebowski Larry] [Big Lebowski Jesus]

Playlists: CaponeX773, sugakunonenko, alexisb85, RusfanTV, RevolutionOfTheMind, blaireaug, xXxKillSwitch666, vfrederic, filippopistoia, eightfootyoda

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